Thursday, April 14, 2016

Let the Adventure Begin!

After 11 years as the owner of my travel agency, I have realized that every time I travel I have an adventure!  It's become somewhat normal that something unexpected always happens.  When I decided to name my agency, I thought long and hard about what would be a fitting title, and after talking to friends and family, I decided that Travel Adventures was perfect.

I have traveled many times with my children, girlfriends, family, as well as escorting groups to many different places around the world.  Each trip has brought us some type of "adventure" that makes our trips memorable forever.  We laugh or reminisce about these experiences now as we think about them.  Some examples of our adventures have been:

  • Grabbing my 12 year old daughters passport instead of my own and making it all the way through security before realizing it, followed by frantic phone calls to a neighbor to break into my house and overnight it to a hotel.
  • Fire alarms going off in a hotel early in the morning - grabbing all important things and heading out the door - watching the firemen complete with axes heading inside - finding out it was a false alarm set off by some kids.
  • Getting to a Steelers game and realizing I left the tickets in the hotel - quick shuttle ride back to the hotel - still making it to the game on time.
Some of our adventures have been amazing and interesting, such as:

  • Walking the entire Freedom Trail in Boston, visiting amazing places where the American Revolution took place - my feet hurt but it was so worth it.
  • Taking my kids on their first cruise and teaching them to be grateful for what they have by seeing countries where people have so much less.
  • Taking my grandmother on her first and last cruise and enjoying spending time with her in beautiful Alaska and Canada/New England.
  • Landing on a glacier in Alaska.
  • Staying in a castle in Ireland.
  • Traveling for 2 weeks through Italy.
I hope to use this blog to share more of my adventures as I travel throughout more of the world and encourage others to get out and see what they are missing.  Of course, I am here to help you with your next vacation.  Contact me at

Enjoy these pictures of a few of my adventures!


Stay tuned for more adventures to come soon!

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